The capacity for variable product codes.

The HIBC code offers the capacity to adopt manufactures product references (REF.) at length of 2 to 18 characters alphanumeric. By carrying variable product references which are 1:1 with the human readable prints on the package labels HIBC avoids second references and second data base entries. HIBC is a straight forward system featuring “one product – one number – one code”. Users appreciate manufacturers HIBC code for reasons of processing one product code only, equal to catalogue and other printed REF numbers.

The conformance to ISO standards and GHTF recommendations

HIBC standards are conforming to ISO standards for Product labelling e.g. with the Barcode standard ISO 22742 and the RFID standard ISO 17366, both for marking of product packages. GHTF recommends common standards in general, where HIBC is one of, but being optimized to health care requirements.

 The continued developments

The Joined Working Group AIDC develops optimized solutions on users demand. Latest development is in role out since 2011: The electronic data communication solution “PaperEDI”. Receivers of goods can capture shipment contents by “ONE SCAN” only using the “EDI Mark” printed on shipment papers or transport labels.

Another invention was the “Unique Identification Mark - UIM” for surgical instruments and small health care items such as vials and cryos. UIM has been adopted as DIN 66401 for general use.

 Free access to documents, specifications and quality tools

EHIBCC supplies free access specifically for the members e.g. the HIBC standards but also the quality tool HIBISCAN and the HIBC Primary Code generator for data entry to data base projects as “UBB” in Turkey.

hibc emblem 600dpi emblem

The HIBC emblem attached to linear or 2D barcode or to RFID tags tells the operator “read here”, here is the HIBC code, here are the traceability data. The HIBC emblem is specifically valuable for the users if other codes may appear on product packages.

Uniqueness and interoperability

HIBC codes are unique by the HIBC flag “+” but also by the Issuing Agency and Company Identification codes according to “ISO/IEC 15459 Unique Identification”. HIBC is interoperable with any other codification system recognised by ISO standards for Barcode and RFID. At the point of use, specifically in Hospitals, HIBC coded products get scanned and processed jointly with products marked with EUROCODE (Blood products), GS1 codes, PZN (Medicinal products), UIM direct markings, etc.

HIBC solutions supply benefit

for the manufacturers as for distributors, hospitals and doctors. HIBC is valuable for the whole supply chain and for hospital internal data capture.

User events

see HIBC users day and other events.

Your contact to the HIBC support team